Show Up!

I’m ashamed to admit it, but lately I’ve become lazy. Not lazy in my work, not lazy in my service, but lazy in how I show up for myself. Once I started strength training three times a week, I felt like I was really doing something and I rested on those laurels. It wasn’t until I looked at some photos from a sorority event a few weeks ago that I realized I was taking too many shortcuts in how I show up in the public square. Sure I looked good, but I didn’t look quite like myself. Many of the little details that make me…well ‘ME’…were missing. I looked good, but I wasn’t diviafied. So we know that wasn’t really ME. The problem is that it was starting to become me. As of late, I hear myself saying things like “I’ll just put on these pants and this top. That’ll be good enough.” It started with your slacks and a blazer to get out the house faster. Then it moved to flats for comfort, which if you know me then you know I’m a stiletto diva. Then it became the bare minimum on my hair and makeup. I simply stopped putting the time in to get ready that I once did.

It’s not about the time. It’s about the way my effort and attention to detail slowly dwindled to the point that I no longer looked like myself. After seeing those photos I decided that I had to get back to being me. I know at times to others it might seem like I’m doing the most, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t. This is how I show myself love.

After several days this week of being in the house and missing gym time because of inclement weather and later a cold, I started to feel a little melancholy. The first thing I did to get to a better emotional place was to acknowledge my emotional state, but that’s a conversation for another day. Then I had to get my appearance together! Although I knew I’d be out of the house that day for an hour at most, I did full hair and makeup. Instead of throwing on athletic tights or jeans and a sweatshirt, I took the time to style my casual chic look. I made the determination a few weeks ago that I needed to show up- in every setting- as myself.

Now I fully recognize that not everyone is into taking two hours to get dressed every time they have to leave the house. No judgment here. What I’m feeling really has little to do with clothes, shoes, hair, and makeup. It has everything to do with the way I show myself love and care by showing up for myself, as myself. No one else can give you that.

Show up as yourself, for yourself so you can Write Your Life and Live It!


Grown Up Heartbreak


2024: My Year of Execution