Mini Getaway

Last week my mom and I decided to get away for a few days. Spur of the moment, she called me and suggested we go to Hilton Head for a few days during my planned visit. I was shocked because I just knew I was about to be spending my six days in SC running errands, visiting people, and doing whatever “work” she had for me to do. Those of us with parents from the South know how it goes, and I don’t necessarily mind. I only get to see my mom a few times a year so I am happy to do whatever she wants me to do. This time however I was pleasantly surprised! You have to know my mom to know how shocking that suggestion was. It’s not too often she lets me drive her long distances and definitely not at night. She’s usually praying the entire time we are in the car. But we packed up and headed for Hilton Head not even a whole 24 hours after I arrived at her house.

I realize that my mom is not much different than I am. She enjoys the comfort of her own home and makes sure it’s so cozy that you never want to leave it. Yet she enjoys getting out, going places, and having new experiences. The only difference is that she doesn’t drive long distances and would prefer not to fly.

We had a good time shopping in the outlets and trying new restaurants. My favorite was a soul food place called Ruby Lee’s. That food was amazing! I knew it was good when my mother said, “These candied yams taste like mine.” We found out about that place while we were on a Gullah tour which we really enjoyed. Our tour guide shared a wealth of Hilton Head history and facts, and the oak trees at one of our stops were just majestic (not unlike the oak tree in my mom’s yard which is pretty impressive).

More than anything, I enjoyed having a moment to get away from my daily concerns, experience a new environment, and relax while spending some time with my mom. I really realize how important it is to plan some outings and getaways because they won’t just happen. I’m thinking about suggesting to my mom that we stay in Charleston next. If I keep it within driving distance perhaps she will be willing to get back in the car with me!


Life is filled with swift transition


Every Time