Life is filled with swift transition

It feels like five minutes ago I was driving home from the airport after visiting my mom. Now two weeks later, I am on the other side of celebrating the home-going of my husband’s stepfather. And in a few days I will celebrate my 49th birthday. It seems like life can really knock the wind out of you. Just when you think you have found a moment of happiness, something hits your life causing you to recalibrate. Right now, we are all adjusting to a new reality without my father-in-law’s physical presence.

By the end of the week, I will be in Tampa with my sister celebrating my 49th birthday. I am still wondering how did I get to this big age so damn fast! I’m excited to spend some time with my sister and have some fun. With all that has happened and with all my concerns swirling around in my head, I wonder if I can be fun enough to actually have fun. Sometimes I put too much pressure on myself to make every every experience EPIC instead of just enjoying the moment. I suppose that’s because at times it feels like my epic experiences, or even just enjoyable experiences, are so few and far between. It literally just occurred to me in this moment that I don’t even have a bathing suit! That speaks to how few and far between my recreational or adventurous moments have become.

Losing loved ones is a moment of recalibration in more ways than one. While the adjustment has to be made because of their absence, it also reminds you that life on this side of glory isn’t forever. Life is to be lived well and fully so that those you leave behind actually have something to celebrate when they talk about how you lived your life. If you’ve been following me for some time, you know that in recent years I have lamented time I have spent not living but just existing. If you remember, that was the catalyst that made me pursue Alpha Kappa Alpha and the desire to live a fuller life. I haven’t gotten there yet, but my experiences are exponentially better without a doubt. Embrace each moment and truly live life to the fullest. It's the memories we create that will forever illuminate our existence so Write Your Life and Live It!


49 and Still a Dime


Mini Getaway